Oh yeah…Here it comes. The costumes is the biggest question. What are you wearing for Halloween. Should Harold and I get dressed in a costume and trick or treat? Why should it only be for kids. Anybody can trick or treat if they want to! Thinking of what to wear....
I’ll tell you the truth…I’m stressed out…I have sssshpulcas, (tremendous anxiety)! I mean I can’t sleep! You know I was never a good sleeper…So annoying how Harold can go to sleep in less then a second …Actually he is asleep most of the time. In fact ..Now I’m...
Sometimes it is difficult to sleep cause of the huge rollers I set my hair with…..I am about 3 feet above my pillow. Oy…how I suffer for beauty…..Then about 4 or 5 times a night I check to see if Harold is still breathing. I check with my little mirror. Last...
read moreSometimes I can’t find my Harold
Sometimes I can’t find my Harold…Sometimes he just blends into the rug. But…maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe this weekend I can drag him (kicking and screaming) out of the house. I’ll try my hardest…but if not, me and my BFF Myra will go gallivanting! …The new...
read moreSo Today’s Valentine’s Day By Sylvia
I think my Boo, Harold should remember the joys of living with Sylvia EVERY SINGLE DAY! But…Ok…Today is the Special day to show your love….I show my love to Harold by defrosting his salt free, frozen dinner EVERY SINGLE night. I think Harold should show his love for...
read moreThoughts turn into a beautiful poem by SYLVIA
Oy!!! Trying to keep up with the NOW The truth is Who actually knows HOW? Computers, facebook, google Email, tweets it is all just a bunch of smhoogle I’m trying to keep up…for my own sake The...
read moreSylvia thinks the film Barbara is Blahhh!
Soooo….I went to see that foreign film ,“BARBARA”…what can I tell you, it got rave reviews. Did I love it…NO. Did I like it?...NO….what can I tell you , I heard it was great….Of course, then I wonder if they saw the same film I did …Let me tell you in a word how the...
read moreSylvia’s thoughts!
Why can’ I wake up thin?...Why?...Why?...Why? When I feel depressed I have to go to bed. When I feel anxious I have to have a Danish…Hey, a Danish in bed doesn’t sound bad…Oy! I feel better already. SOOOO my Peeps. Have a great super bowl Sunday! I’m gonna be...
!....that’s right…you know it….I CAN’T SLEEP!!! I’m, sick of trying to relax and drift off, it only makes me nervous, and who can sleep when they’re nervous….You might say…..I’m very up tight! I can’t go to sleep and Harold can’t wake up. I’m watching TV…while...
read moreGingerbread!!! dangerous!
One of my BFF'S, Gaby, brought me part of a gingerbread house....I believe it was the master bedroom and living room and garage....This funny comedian ate it before I could even decorate it!!! Oy, I am sooo sorry..I'll be bloated tomorrow. Sometimes I'm...
read moreFunny News Headline:Brisk for the Holidays
I really like it cold. It is a little brisk now and I hope it remains. Really...For God's sake ..who wants to perspire /shvitz for the holidays. I want to wrap know..scarves....hats....gloves (gotta get my nails done) so I can wear those fingerless gloves...
read moreFunny News Headlines: What is this END OF THE WORLD rumor going around….
Oy! IF it ends tomorrow the first thing I am going to do is order a pizza with extra crispy crust and extra cheese. and garlic...yummy! .....I will wait awhile then a bagel and creme cheese and lox...then on to a few desserts....chocolate... I'll dress nice.....but...
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