I’ll tell you the truth…I’m stressed out…I have sssshpulcas, (tremendous anxiety)! I mean I can’t sleep! You know I was never a good sleeper…So annoying how Harold can go to sleep in less then a second …Actually he is asleep most of the time. In fact ..Now I’m wondering if he is awake any other time except to eat. I DON”T KNOW! Sure Harold can just go..To ..Sleep cause he doesn’t have heavy decisions weighing down his mind. He isn’t experiencing anxiety 24 hours a day trying to figure out what to do….No, he’s relaxed and mostly asleep. I’m the one left suffering …suffering and more suffering trying desperately to come up with, not only the answer…but…the RIGHT answer concerning who I am gonna watch first …my JIMMALA KIMMALA…or JIMMY WIMMEY FALLON!!! OY!!!! I’m dying!
First of all, I don’t want to hurt anyone/s feelings. That is not what I am about…you all know that. I want the people I love to get ahead. You know I was sooo happy when they moved my Jimmala’s show to an earlier time! I couldn’t wait to tell Myra how excited I was for JIMMALA. The “CANNASTA GIRLS” celebrated by having a cake and ice cream instead of Danish that evening. When JIMMALA got engaged, “THE CANASTA GIRLS” celebrated by having champagne with cake and ice cream. When Jimmy Wimmy got the TONIGHT SHOW, the “CANNAASTA FIRLS” celebrated by having a whole spread…bagels with a shmear and lox (not salty)…the whole thing…chopped liver…tomato and onion and of course pickles…
Now, I’m anxious and depressed because soon I have to decide which Jimmy I watch first!!!! I don’t want to play favorites. Mother’s shouldn’t do it and I shouldn’t do it. I feel like their relative…(you know an aunt or something) It is interesting to me how I can feel soooo close to them like we are family.
So, my mother use to say make a list of the good (the pros) and then another list of the not so good the (cons)…I made so many lists I had to wake up Harold and tell him to take out the trash cause there was sooo much paper. I guess I should just go with my gut…
Maybe I should take a Xanax and calm down and that might help me make a decision. Oy, when I get like this I over eat and then I feel bloated and even worse. (Oy, bloat is the enemy)!
Did you know I love music, it really helps everything. I leave the music on ALL the time. It makes me think better. I like all kinds of music. I have music on right now to calm me down. You know that ISLAND GIRL…Rimanna something …her new song STAY is sooo beautiful…It goes right to my heart. I wouldn’t dream of getting dressed and putting on my make-up without the music on. Now that I think about it ..maybe Harold has been talking to me but I have the music on and I can’t hear him!!!! You know what I think, maybe it’s how you can stay in a relationship forever….don’t listen to them, just LISTEN TO THE MUSIC.
Soo all of my SYLVIA PEEPPS, How am I gonna decide? Which JIMMY goes first?
You know if I was gonna have a son, I would have Jimmala and Jimmy Wimmy….I would have to have two sons…OY!!!! I have a headache trying to make this very important life changing, earth shattering decision……HELP! Come on, HELP SYLVIA!!!!! Come on…I’ll owe ya one!